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Complete the sentences with the correct part of speech. Are you ? Put on your sweater. (cold/coldly)
I want to say something really important! Listen ! (careful/carefully)
We lost the match yesterday. Our team played . (bad/badly)
He looks very . (tired/tiredly)
Why are you ? I haven’t done anything. (angry/angrily)
Please, be . I’m studying. (quiet/quietly)
Martin has a difficult job, but he does it . (good/well)
Mary is studying for her exam. (hard/hardly)
Those apples look . Can I have one? (nice/nicely)
Can you speak , please? (slow/slowly)
“Where is Jane?” “Somebody called her and she left ”. (sudden/suddenly)
It started raining and we went home. (heavy/heavily)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Complete the sentences with the correct part of speech.

Are you _cold_? Put on your sweater. (cold/coldly)

I want to say something really important! Listen _carefully_! (careful/carefully)

We lost the match yesterday. Our team played _bad_. (bad/badly)

He looks very _tired_. (tired/tiredly)

Why are you _angry_? I haven’t done anything. (angry/angrily)

Please, be _quiet_. I’m studying. (quiet/quietly)

Martin has a difficult job, but he does it _well_. (good/well)

Mary is studying _hard__ for her exam. (hard/hardly)

Those apples look _nice_. Can I have one? (nice/nicely)

Can you speak _slowly_, please? (slow/slowly)

“Where is Jane?” “Somebody called her and she left _suddenly_”. (sudden/suddenly)

It started raining _heavily_ and we went home. (heavy/heavily)

verging nouningadjing

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