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1. If you lots of fruit and vegetables, you will be healthy. A) eat
B) ate
C) will eat
D) would eat

2. If you fewer sweets, you wouldn’t be overweight.
A) eat
B) ate
C) will eat
D) would eat

3. Please, Mum, let me go to the dance. I home late, I promise.
A) won’t be coming
B) won’t come
C) won’t have come
D) am not coming

4. You tell anyone you saw me. I want to surprise them.
A) needn’t to
B) don’t have to
C) mustn’t

5. Josh, yougo now: a taxi is waiting for you.
A) don’t have to
B) must
C) needn't
D) need

6. If you, you pass an English test succsessfully.
A) study
B) studied
C) studies

7. If you , you will pass an English test successfully.
A) study
B) studied
C) studies

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) any 2) any 3) some 4) any 5) some

Популярно: Английский язык