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Pronoun My daughter (1) is 16 years old and can come to your school in June. I would like my daughter (2) to live with a British family, as I hope that living with a family (3) will give her more opportunities to practice her English. A friend of studies at your school. Her friends(5) enjoyed courses available all your round or only in the summer? Is it true that your teachers are well qualified? Are the teachers(7) experienced? What facilities do you have at (4) knows someone who (6) very much. Are your your school? I am a teacher ( and am therefore very interested your facilities and courses. I would be grateful if you could send I look forward to hearing from Your sincerely, Vanessa Gray (9) a brochure about your courses and (10).

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We’re living in a tremendously virtual age where many young people think that all of the discoveries that they need to make will happen on their laptops and smartphones. for me, it’s more important than ever to reintroduce a sense of physical exploration, to get out there into strange, hostile and challenging environments.   there is probably 99 per cent of deep oceans and all of space to left explore, and it is only by putting humans into new physical locations that we’ll be able to make genuine and crucial scientific discoveries.   human presence in science is almost the definition of science.     it’s a human endeavour to gather knowledge, not just a machine endeavour to gather data.   the robots we send into these environments don’t know what to look for, and above all they don’t know how to be surprised by something like the strange glint of a rock.by  author, journalist and filmmaker piers bizony

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