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1 You can trust a person if a person is r
2 An
person is calm and doesn't worry about anything.
3 If a person likes being with people, they are
4 Someone who learns quickly is i
5 A person who can make good decisions is s
Someone who makes you feel angry is annoying 1.
7 An unkind person can be called C
8 A person who can do something really well is t
9 An honest person is someone who always tells the truth.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Molly goes to mike every day and simply wonders at him. – молли ходит к майку каждый день и просто поражается ему.science and technology play a key role in sustainable use of water.  — наука и техника играют ключевую роль в обеспечении рационального использования воды.even aunt perl refuses to go out with me! – даже тетушка перл отказывается идти со мной! thank god i still walk without help  — слава богу я еще сама хожу.the high commissioner visits the region again and again. – верховный комиссар посещает данный регион снова и снова.

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