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Task 4 (score 2): Make up sentences of the following words. 1. writer, world, is, in, this, known, the, whole. 2. the, Ukrainian, name, most, historians, prominent. 3. much, this, energy, to, scientist, gave, attention, and, problem, the. 4. Newton's, phenomenon, work, a, such, before, was, unknown. Task 5 (score 1): Put all kinds of questions to the sentence. Each factory purifies the same water.

Task 6 (score 2): Use Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite. 1. Please turn off the light when you (to leave) the room. 2. Before he (to start) for London, he (to spend) a week or two at a health resort far from here. 3. If Nick (not to work) properly, his boss (to fire) him and (to hire) Jane. 4. She (to walk) home if it (not to be) too cold. 5. I (to see) you before you (to start)?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.what have you been doing? 2.right now i am writing a story for the school paper. 3.how many stories have you written this year? 4.not very much. i was ill last week and i was not feeling very energetic now. 5.i understand. i was lazy, too. 6.i have too many things to do this week у глагола be есть 3 формы: be, was (во множ. числе –were) и been и еще две am, is, are(для настоящего времени)  глагол have употребляется, если мы говорим в 1 лице ед. числе (я, мы). глагол has употребляется в 3 лице ед. числе (он, она, оно)

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