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Choose the correct answer. 1. Their names are Bill and Ben. … are from the USA.


B. You

C. They

D. He

2. How do you say the number “101”.

A. one and one hundred

B. one hundred and one

C. ones hundreds one

D. one hundreds one

3. My brother's daughters are my …

A. uncles

B. nieces

C. cousins

D. nephews

4. He has a pain in … shoulder.

A. their

B. her

C. hers

D. his

This is my sister. …name is Saule.

A. his

B. hers

C. they

D. her

6. Find the right equivalent: 7.15.

A. it's a quarter to eight.

B. it's half past eight

C. it's half past seven.

D. it's a quarter past seven

7. Where is … (моя) book?

A. our

B. their

C. my

D. its

8. My mother's brother is my … .

A. uncle

B. aunt

C. grandfather

D. brother

9. Find the personal pronoun for the underlined words: My brother works at an office

A. you

B. he

C. we

D. she

10. Choose the right variant. The capital of Wales is …:

A. Edinburg

B. London

C. Belfast

D. Cardiff

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Ответы на вопрос:

Present simple-usually,always,sometimes,often,every day,seldom. present progressive-now,at the moment,at present,nowadays present perfect-already,ever,never,just,since,for,this day,so far. past simple-last monday,yesterday,2days (months,years)ago,in1987 future simple-next week(year,month,sunday),in 5days,tomorrow

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