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нужно. Task II. Find suffixes in the words and say what parts of speech they are Helpful, surprised, noisy, hungry, musical, dangerous, industrial, angry

Task III. Fill in the following sentences with the verbs: must, have to, should

1) Every person... take care of his parents.

2) I think you ... talk to him again.

3)She... go to hospital, because she is coughing badly.

4) He... learn the poem by heart because he wanted to get a good mark.

5) We... love our motherland.

6) They... do this task, in writing.

7) She... stay at home, because she doesn't have a key.

8) wait for him or leave?

Task IV. Open the brackets and use the correct verb-tense

1)... they (to paint) the walls yet?

2) I'm afraid I ... (to forget) my purse.

3) What... (to do) you from 5 to 6 yesterday?

4) While Lena ... (to cut) ham Ira ... (to boil) eggs.

5) When he (to come) in, the dog ... (to sleep) near the door.

6) Who he ... (to wait) for at the bus stop?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. was, lived, walked, fell, saw, hurt, ran, told, went, came, said, did, jumped, knocked, gave.

be - was

live - lived

walk - walked

fall - fell

see - saw

hurt - hurt

run - ran

tell - told

go - went

come - came

say - said

do - did

jump - jumped

knock - knocked

give - gave


1. true

2. false

3. false

4. true

5. false

6. false

7. false

8. false

9. true

10. true

11. true

Популярно: Английский язык