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Тест на времена в инглише, отдаю все что есть - надо позарез сегодня Future Simple v. Future Continuous

A - Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the future continuous.

1. I want to tour the area today. (you/use) the car?

2. Please don’t forget your tie because you (meet) the administrators during your visit.

3. The taxi driver (take) you to the Savoy Hotel.

4. A shuttle (wait) for you outside the airport building at 8:30 p.m.

5. There’s s big sale at Selfridges tomorrow. I’m sure people (queue) up the street from early morning.

6. Put on something nice for the party. The photographers (take) pictures.

7. You can’t stay here if you’ve decided not to go. We (look) for you.

8. It’s an acceptable suggestion. I (think) it over.

9. The price of petrol has gone up again. People (ride) their bicycles soon.

10. I’m sure this statue (stand) here in the year 2010.

11. you (join) us at 3.00 p.m.? we (discuss) the new plan.

12. Come to the stadium at 4:00 p.m. The world-famous football player (sign) the t-shirts.

13. This time tomorrow I (fly) across the Pacific.

14. I don’t want to call Janet just now. I’m sure she (bathe) the baby and she (be able/not) answer the phone.

15. If you need me, you (find) me at school. I (teach) in pavilion A until the lunch time.

16. The festival begins next Saturday. People (dance) and (sing) in the streets all week.

17. I’m sure you (pass) your driving test, but I (keep) my fingers crossed for you all the same.

18. We (not/learn) English this month. Our teacher has left.

19. Our neighbours are having a party tonight. They (make) a lot of noise all night as usual.

20. You can use John’s computer. He (not/work) here anymore

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