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Сам текст по ссылке https://infourok.ru/zadanie-po-anglijskomu-yazyku-po-teme-computers-4943443.html
1. Answer the questions.

1. What are the means of communication you read in this text?

2. What is the era we live?

3. When was the first computer made?

4. How can pupils, students, and teachers use computer in their studying?

5. What is the Internet?

6. When did the history of Internet begin?

2. Read the statements. TRUE or FALSE.

1. The first computer was very little.

2. The computer is the best friend of all people. There is no better friend than computer.

3. The Internet is indispensable for people who communicate frequently with their relatives and friends from others countries.

4. The computer saves a lot of time.

5. Public Internet began in the late 60's.

6. The computers are used by only children, students and youth

7. Internet carries has only "pluses”: There are no negative sides of the Web.

8. It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library.

9. We can imagine our modern school without using a computer.

10. Nobody and nothing is able to replace our devoted friends, family and other vital values.

3. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. Our society needs to …………...

2. The Internet can completely replace such communication facilities as ………….

3. The Internet has covered …………………….

4. Nowadays ………………………….. are already its active users.

5. Computers and the Internet are splendid …………….

4. Find these words in the text.

человечество, готовить доклад, делать ошибки, диагностировать болезни, выжить, объяснение, словарь, в ручную, инструменты, экономить, тратить время впустую, представление, болезнь спины и суставов, красноречивый, необходимый, государственные сайты, бесчувственная машина, вирусы, вмешиваться, искать в интернете, пользователи, ядерная война.

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