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Поставьте артикли там, где необходимо. А) …book is very interesting. All …characters in it are quite impressive. …John, … main character, has … son, … daughter, …two cousins and … very good friends. He lives … interesting life. He has .. .deep love for … people surrounding him. …work he does is important for him and brings him … satisfaction. … few years ago, when … John had … other job, he was younger, but … job made him very tired. Now he works … five days … week, but he is never tired. His friend, … professor Tauset, who is … manager of … office, is … Frenhcman.
B) Take … book from …table and bring it … here. Crime is … serious problem these days. …Mr. Volgin is … friend of mine. Hey, … man!
Do you know … girl over there? …Moscow is … capital of …Russia. …Next time I’ll go to America.
C) …Crimea is situated on … south of … Ukraine. … Crimea is …peninsula. …Simferopol is … capital of … Crimea. …Crimean mountains are not high. …Salgir is … longest river. … Black Sea and … Sea of Azov wash our peninsular.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Who puts experiments
2.runs the company
3. helps people deal with problems
4. who creates technical mechanisms

Популярно: Английский язык