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Ответы на вопрос:

1. They went to the Hermitage last week. Past Simple ( last week). 2. They have been to the Hermitage twice this week. Present Perfect( this week- были, но на этой неделе). 3. After school yesterday he came home, had dinner, read an article from the latest magazine and began doing his homework. Past Simple - действия происходят быстро, одно за другим, вчера). 4. When did your friend return from the south? She returned yesterday. Did you go to the station to meet her? No, I didn't. I was too busy. Past Simple ( when; yesterday). 5. With whom did you discuss this question yesterday? Past Simple.6. I have seen this film this week. Present Perfect ( this week). I like it very much. 7 . When I entered the kitchen I saw that my mother was standing at the table and cutting some cabbage. She was cooking dinner. ( После when- past Simple, дальше- past Continuous - действие длилось в тот момент, когда его увидели). 9. As soon as I saw him I understood that he was working hard. He was writing something and didn't notice anything. Past Simple, Past Continuous. 10. When I came home yesterday, the children were running and singing merrily. " We have learned a new song!" they cried Past Simple, Past Continuous. 12. It was raining hard when I left home yesterday, so I returned, put on my raincoat and started again. Past Continuous (до when), потом- Past Simple- события в происходят одно за другим). 13. Has your brother returned from the north? Present Perfect, не указано, когда произошло действие - интересует результат. 14. Have you been to the Crimea? Present Perfect - не указано, когда. When were you there? I was there in 1993. Past Simple ( when, 1993). 15. Where has your brother been? Present Perfect - не указано, когда был. He has just come home. Present Perfect - just. He is taking shower in the bathroom now. Present Continuous - действие происходит сейчас, в момент речи.


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