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4.3. Which painter cubism? A) invented
B) did invent
C) invents
D) invent
1.4.4. Why English lessons at University?
A) don’t you like
B) you not like
C) you don’t like
D) aren’t you like
1.4.5. Nobody to the radio yesterday at 5 o’clock.
A) was listening
B) were listening
C) listening
D) listened

Where do you come from?
A) exactly
B) sure
C) absolutely
D) yet
2.1.2. any brothers or sisters?
A) do you have
B) you have
C) are you having
D) does you have
2.1.3. I to music when I'm working.
A) never listen
B) not listen
C) listen never
D) no listen
2.1.4. When I got home, my parents in the dining room, discussing my behaviour.
A) were sitting
B) was sitting
C) sat
D) sitting
2.1.5. It’s important to good relations with the other employees.
A) have
B) make
C) do
D) get

How often do you to meet friends?
A) arrange
B) visit
C) walk
D) have
2.2.2. Have you been to Cappadocia in Turkey?
A) ever
B) never
C) once
D) twice
2.2.3. The school offers a different type of schooling for young people.
A) alternative
B) primary
C) private
D) secondary

2.2.4. Do I go to school today?

A) have to

B) can

C) should

D) must

2.2.5. In Spain, children have to eat at school. They can go home for lunch.
A) don’t
B) do
C) should
D) not

is your dad? – He is a marine biologist.
A) what
B) who
C) how
D) why
2.3.2. During lessons I always note new information in my notebook.
A) down
B) up
C) in
D) into
2.3.3. A lot of different amazing will change the world in the future.
A) developments
B) news
C) conditions
D) events
2.3.4. While my friends, huge waves crashed into the raft.
A) were sailing
B) sailed
C) are sailing
D) was sailing
2.3.5. I`m not very keen violent films.
A) on
B) of
C) about
D) to

He has already been to this seminar, but he is still about the rules.
A) confused
B) bored
C) lonely
D) funny
2.4.2. Go on! Ask the DJ to our song!
A) play
B) make
C) have
D) do
2.4.3. Let's invite your parents dinner. - Good idea!
A) for
B) at
C) in
D) to
2.4.4. Did you any photos while travelling? - Unfortunately, I didn't.
A) take
B) make
C) do
D) took
2.4.5. Do you prefer to online or offline?
A) chat
B) sleep
C) catch
D) care

She doesn't usually jewelry, only her wedding ring.
A) wear
B) buy
C) leave
D) put
3.1. 2. I`m afraid Ella isn`t here at the moment. Can I a message?

A) take

B) put

C) make

D) have

3.1.3. What do you ? - I’m a doctor.
A) do
B) make
C) take
D) work
3.1.4. I need a to our wedding. It is important for me to have printed memories then.
A) photographer
B) photo
C) musician
D) comedian
3.1.5. I need to talk to you. I am afraid we have a .
A) problem
B) nothing
C) worry
D) anything

Do you usually ___ your flights online or you buy tickets at the airport?
A) book
B) do
C) make
D) take
3.2.2. You’ve caught a , you should visit a doctor!

A) cold
B) backache
C) cough
D) allergy
3.2.3. We a lot of different problems.
A) deal with
B) risk
C) work
D) need
3.2.4. She do any homework tonight, so she can come with us.
A) doesn’t have to
B) can
C) has to
D) may
3.2.5. He his leg while he was playing football.
A) broke
B) break
C) was broken
D) broken

You must be hungry. I have sandwiches for you.

A) some
B) any
C) no
D) not
3.3.2. Why this now?
A) are you doing
B) do you do
C) you doing
D) did you do
3.3.3. We in love the first time we saw each other.
A) fell
B) fall
C) felt
D) falt
3.3.4. I usually to Helen, my best friend, when I have a problem.
A) talk
B) am talking
C) talked
D) talking
3.3.5. Her parents a small business in the countryside. They grow vegetables and fruit.
A) have
B) are having
C) had
D) having
Where last night?
A) did you go
B) you did go
C) went you
D) did you went
3.4.2. When to the UK?
A) did you move
B) moved you
C) did you moved
D) move you
3.4.3. Eve to Australia next month.

A) is going
B) going
C) goes
D) went
3.4.4. She's at university now. She history.
A) is studing
B) studies
C) studing
D) study

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Statute - a set of rules governing the organization and procedure of activites in a certain sphere of relations, or any governmental authority, organizations, enterprises, institutions and so on 

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