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1. My sister often (send) text messages to her friends. a) is sending b) sends c) send
2. At the moment, I (learn) to use a new computer program.
a) am learning b) learn c) learns
3. Where you going when I met you last night?
a) did b) are c) were
4. When we came into the hall they this problem.
a) discussed b) were discussing c) have discussed
5. By the time we arrived at the station, the train .
a) left b) had left c) has left
6. My sister phoned yesterday and she told me that she a house.
a) had bought b) buys c) has bought
7. Jane is than Kate.
a) taller b) tall c) the tallest
8. This is restaurant in Barcelona.
a) more expensive b) the most expensive c) the expensive
9. I this singer for ten years.
a) have liked b) have been liking c) likes
10. He for two hours.
a) have waited b) has been waiting c) been waiting

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. b


One day i bought tickets to the theater and invited my girlfriend. i felt very excited because it was for the first time i invited her to the theater. we arrived at the theater for advance.(заранее). we left our clothes at the cloakroom. we had our seats in a balcony so we bought opera glasses and a programm.the orchestra played some music. at last the light went down and the curtains rose up and the ballet began. during the interval we went to the buffet to have a snack (перекусить).the ballet was perfect. when the curtains fell and the performance was over all spectators (зрители) stood up and applauded to the actors. we enjoyed ourselves and got a great of pleasure.

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