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llatch the beginnings of the sentences (r-6) with the endings (a-f) to make definitions of more
key terms.
r Lead time is the time
z Procurement is
3 A retailer is a business
I Customer order cycle time is the time
5 A wholesaler is
6 JIT - just in time is a concept
UNIT 3 Inventory management and procurement I 21
a customers are prepared to wait for the delivery of their order.
b of reducing inventories by co-ordinating the detivery of materiats just before they are needed.
c it takes to produce and supply a product.
d an intermediary between manufacturers and retailers which buys in large quantities and resells
in smaller quantities.
e that buys products from wholesalers ormanufacturers and resells them to the uttimate
f the purchasing of goods (materials, parts, supplies, equipment) required to run an enterprise.
Listen to an expert presenting an inventory management system to the managers of a large retail
store. Then saywhich of the statements are true Z or fakeE.
r The inventory system is catted CPR.
z ll's a sales-based system.
3 The system co-ordinates the flow of information and goods in the togistichain.
4 Young Fashion has used the system for six years now.
5 Orders are electronically transferred to the warehouse.
6 The store has reduced transport and inventory costs by about 25 per cent

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Ответы на вопрос:

2 I'm not going to write my blog today

3 Be careful! You're going to drop the plate

4 Look at the time! They are going to be late

5 Stefan is going to go skiing in the USA next month

6 Lois and Ben are not going to visit any museums

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