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Electric train derails
Four people were injured when an electric train 1) derailed/was derailing/had derailed/had been derailing last Friday evening. The train 2) travelled/was travelling/had travelled/had been traveling near Gdynia and 3) carried/was carrying/had carried/had been carrying100 passengers at the time of the accident. At around 7:15 local time, while the train 4) /came/was coming/had come/had been coming around a sharp curve, three carriages 5) came/was coming/had come/had been coming off the tracks. According to eyewitness reports, passengers 6) heard/was hearing/had heard/had been hearing a violent explosion just before the train 7) derailed/was derailing/had derailed/had been derailing. Teams of emergency workers 8) arrived/were arriving/had arrived/had been arriving at the scene and 9) began/were beginning/had begun/had been beginning to pull out passengers 10) trapped/were trapping/had trapped/had been trapping inside the carriages. The cause of the derailment is under investigation. Authorities 11) confirmed/were confirming/had confirmed/had been coming that a railway crew 12) worked/was working/had worked/had been working on the tracks for several hours before the accident 13) happened/was happening/had happened/ had been happening.​

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In fact, big ben is the largest of the six bells of westminster palace in london. but it has long been associated with the name of the clock tower, which in september 2012 was officially called “elizabeth tower”. the decision to rename the tower was made by the british parliament to mark the 60th anniversary of the reign of queen elizabeth ii. the tower was built in 1858. the project architect was augustus pugin. the height of the tower and spire is 96.3 m. перевод: на самом деле, биг бен – это самый большой из шести колоколов вестминстерского дворца в лондоне. но уже давно это название ассоциируют с часовой башней, которую с сентября 2012 года официально называют «башней елизаветы». решение переименовать башню было принято британским парламентом в честь 60-летия правления королевы елизаветы ii. башня возведена в 1858 году. архитектор проекта – огастес пьюджин. высота башни со шпилем 96,3 м.

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