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Написать рассказ (по англ) как я проведу лето

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Summer is a wonderful time of the year. I spend every summer in my own interesting way. This year my vacation was great. In June, my mom and dad and I were at sea. There we visited a dolphinarium, a zoo and a water park. I had many good experiences.

In July, I spent time with my comrades in the yard. Once it rained heavily, and a lot of branches fell. Then my friends and I built a house of twigs, in which we had fun. We all went to a picnic, played football, volleyball and organized competitions.

In August, I went to the village to stay with my grandparents for two weeks. There I learned to milk a cow, take care of chickens and ducklings. And the most memorable was the fishing. Grandpa made a fishing rod for me and I caught my first fish. The summer was wonderful. The holidays left behind many pleasant memories.


мороз и солнце; день чудесный! еще ты дремлешь, друг прелестный —пора, красавица, проснись: открой сомкнуты негой взорынавстречу северной авроры,звездою севера явись!

вечор, ты помнишь, вьюга злилась,на мутном небе мгла носилась; луна, как бледное пятно,сквозь тучи мрачные желтела,и ты печальная сидела —а погляди в окно:

под голубыми небесамивеликолепными коврами,блестя на солнце, снег лежит; прозрачный лес один чернеет,и ель сквозь иней зеленеет,и речка подо льдом блестит.

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