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Составьте меню кафе, используя следующие названия продуктов и блюд: Breakfast: rice cereal, fried eggs, orange juice, boiled eggs, semoli- na, coffee, tea, porridge, bread and butter, apple juice, cornflakes, ham sandwich, cheese sandwich. Lunch: vegetable cream soup, apple pie, boiled fish, sausages and stewed cabbage, boiled new potatoes, fried mushrooms, mashed pota- toes, cheese, cold boiled meat, roast chicken. Dinner: beef tea, chicken noodle soup, beef steak, crab salad, mixed green salad, rissoles, fried potatoes, mineral water, juices, fruit salad, veal chop. cucumber salad, boiled salmon. Supper: scallop, cabbage salad, boiled meat, assorted fish, melon, ice cream, mutton chop, coffee, watermelon, grapes, pears, roast chick- en, tea, roast goose, assorted meat, fish salad.​

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1we go to the seaside in summer. 2 i went to mu granny on saturday. 3 our lessons finished at 14.00 4   make up the sentence usinf new words 5 find the odd word and cross it out. 6 last year i changed the school but i made friends from my classmates easily

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