Есть ответ 👍

С ОТВЕТАМИ Complete the sentences.
Example: That’s the house where my father was born.
1 How much money did you take of the cash machine?

2 You’re Joel’s cousin, you?

3 I wouldn’t have missed his party if I (not / have) a bad headache.

4 We can’t have dinner all the guests are here.

5 The police me whether I had witnessed the crime.

6 If I you, I’d make a complaint to the manager.

7 Do you know where the nearest taxi rank ?

8 Will you be to look after the children next Thursday evening?

9 Are you responsible the sales figures?

10 Can you tell me the main entrance is, please?

11 My brother and I want to set our own online business.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Где фотография как я это зделаю

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