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1.1 Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму пассивного залога, переведите предложение на русский язык. .
Nobody knows where his picture is. Perhaps, it
2. The problem
for three years, but they haven't got any results. (study)
When was this building finished? - They said it by the end of last year. (finish)
There is somebody walking behind us. I think we
5. The house opposite our college that's why we are using the back entrance at present. (pull down)
6. Yesterday our flight
because of the fog. (cancel)
7. The police officer said that every house in that street
already by the police. (search)
8. The result of his investigation
in the newspaper soon. (publish)
9. A new museum
in the city. What a beautiful building it will be! (build )
10. We apologize for the delay. The plane
by the technicians. (check )
11. A new book
by that company next year. (publish)
12. When the manager arrived, the problem
. (solve)
13. In more than 200 years the USA Constitution 26 times. (amend)
14. They
this clock now. (repair)
15. A cinema is a place where films (show)
16. This tongue-twister can not
(easily repeat)
17. Good wine should be opened about three hours before it
18. More and more people
in the streets at night now. (attack)
19. It is upsetting when a person
for something that he has not done. (punish)
20. Please don't wear that terrible suit, you
(laugh at)
21. Rabbits may
to Britain by the Romans as a source of food. (bring)
22. The story of Father Christmas
to young children to explain the presents they receive. (tell)
23. Then the voice announced that the passengers
to pass through the Customs. (ask)
24. A new metro line .now. One of its stations
in our street. ( construct; build)
25. Evidently the tea
before I put sugar into it. (sweeten)​

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