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Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example Today Victor is (be) very excited. He 1 (not be) on television before, but later today his family and his friends 2 (see) him, on TV, in their own homes. His invitation 3 (come) last week, and he 4 (look) at it right now. It 5 (lie) on the desk in front of him. How 6 (get) this invitation? Two months ago, he 7 (watch) a children’s TV show when he 8 (hear) the announcer talk about a competition. The TV show 9 (want) children to send a letter saying why they would like to meet Bob Geldof. Victor 10 (write) them a letter saying he likes Bob because he 11 (do) so many things for children in Africa. He 12 (not think) he would win, so when the invitation 13 (drop) through his letter box, he 14 (cry) with happiness.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)наверняка ты слышал , как в других странах шутят, что в россии по улицам ходят медведи. так вот − иностранцы не шутят! они действительно думают, что какой-нибудь заплутавший мишка может вдруг оказаться на красной площади.  2)о пельменях, варениках, щах и даже борще многие иностранцы и не слышали. они уверены, что живут на икре и водке. 

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