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ПЕРЕВОД The Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad is considered by many historians to have been the turning point in World War II in Europe. The Battle for Stalingrad was fought during the winter of 1942 to 1943. Stalingrad was an important target as it was Russia's centre of communications in the south as well as being a centre for manufacturing. As the city was named after the Russian leader, der, Joseph Stalin, the Russians could not let this city fall. Likewise, the Russians could not let the Germans get hold of the oil fields in the Caucasus. Stalin's order was "Not a step backwards". Despite German resistance, the Russians gradually closed in on the city, capturing Paulus and his staff on January 31, 1943. Hitler commented "The God of War has gone over to the other side". Twenty-one German divisions fought at Stalingrad, and the Russians took 90.000 prisoners. The German defeat marked the turning point of the war on the Eastern Front.

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Сталинградская битва

Многие историки считают Сталинградскую битву поворотным моментом во Второй мировой войне в Европе. Битва за Сталинград велась зимой 1942-1943 годов. Сталинград был важной целью, поскольку он был центром коммуникаций России на юге, а также центром производства. Поскольку город был назван в честь российского лидера Иосифа Сталина, русские не могли допустить падения этого города. Точно так же русские не могли позволить немцам завладеть нефтяными месторождениями на Кавказе. Приказ Сталина гласил: «Ни шагу назад». Несмотря на сопротивление немцев, русские постепенно приближались к городу, захватив Паулюса и его штаб 31 января 1943 года. Гитлер прокомментировал: «Бог войны перешел на другую сторону». 21 немецкая дивизия сражалась под Сталинградом, русские взяли 90 000 пленных. Поражение Германии стало поворотным моментом в войне на Восточном фронте.

hi megan!

thank yo for your letter. i'm very happy that you liked spain because this country is really amazing. i have been to many cities: budapest, athens, barselona, belgrade and many others. the city i like the most is vienna. it is the capital of austria. i have been there during my winter holidays. my parents and i have seen many place of interests like stephansdom-the main cathedral or schonbrunn-the summer residence of the royal family. however, there are two things i liked the most. one of them is naschmarkt. it is a heaven for those who like cooking. in this market you can literally find everything-from most exotic fruits to fresh fish from danube. the second thing is christmas markets. well, don't think that i'm obesessed with food. on the christmas markets you can walk, drink hot apfelpunsch and create a christmas mood. it seemed for me like a real fairytale. by the way, tell me which spanish cities have you visited? what have you seen there? what do you like the most?

best wishes, 

(your name)

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