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8. Answer the following questions: 1) In which countries is English spoken as a mother tongue?
2) Why has English become one of the major languages in the world?
3) When did the exporting of English begin?
4) Why do people study English?
5) Which of the three groups of English speakers do you belong to?
6) What is your reason for learning English?
7) What are basic characteristics of English?
8) What does the term “flexibility” mean?
9) What role does openness of vocabulary play in the English language?
10) What spheres is English used in as an international language?

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когда она (откроет) окно, она (будет) счастлива установить его (снег )слегка

когда учитель (приходит) в класс, ученики (бегают) вокруг и (кричат) во весь голос

он (несет) такой тяжелый чемодан, что он едва мог ходить

Популярно: Английский язык