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Вставить подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы или эквиваленты, где нужно подставить not 4. They ___ call at 3p.m. I hope they to call at 4p.m.
5. You ___ pay tax on most things that you buy abroad.
6. You never know what you ___ do until you try.
7. However badly he ___ work, we ___ give him a chance.
8. Well, you ___ be working now instead of relaxing.
9. She was ill, so she ___ go to the party.
10. The chemist’s was open, so luckily I ___ to buy some aspirin.
11. He ___ to go to the airport. He is meeting someone.
12. You ___ lock the door when you go out. There’ve been a lot of break-ins recently.
13. I __ work late tomorrow. We’re very busy at the office.
14. My father had to work in a factory when he was twelve. Just imagine! Today a twelve-year-old child ___ to wok in a factory.
15. You are not very well. Perhaps you ___ see a doctor.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. After landing, you must stay in your seat until the plain has come to a standstill.

2. I can (or could) hear voices outside.

3. Can you believe her story? It may be her imagination.

4. Something must be done to stop the criminal.

5. You can get her on the phone any time.

6. May I ask your advice?

7. If your car was broken, you can (or will be able to) borrow mine.




2. i have just invited them 3.  my cousin often has4. did you enjoy5. john made6. my friend has not taken7. do you usually read8. mark is not watching9. не указано слово в скобках. добавьте - я напишу.

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