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1. Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C. After all the years I’ve 0 C in the classroom, it’s finally time for me to 1 school! I thought at first that I’d feel really 2 , but in fact, the whole thing is 3 difficult than I imagined. I’ve 4 decided not to go straight to university, I made that decision several months ago. Instead, I’m going to wait and do a 5 year. That will give me time to 6 a job or course that’s 7 for me. But I’ve got absolutely 8 ideas at the moment!
0 A passed B taken C spent D done
1 A attend B leave C depart D skip
2 A funny B caring C outgoing D pleased
3 A much B so C more D as
4 A just B already C yet D ever
5 A break B holiday C gap D space
6 A choose B discover C search D explore
7 A true B accurate C real D suitable
8 A any B some C no D lots

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
0 I’ve always been interested in the exploration of space. EXPLORE
1 My dad is a at the university. BIOLOGY
2 Tim’s teachers say he has the to do very well at school. ABLE
3 Jackie’s lucky because her boss is a very good . EMPLOY
4 Darren wants to work as a computer when he’s older. PROGRAMME
5 Jim is a in his local library on Saturdays. VOLUNTARY
6 My little sister is always so . She makes me feel tired! ENERGY

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
0 It’s hotter today than it was yesterday.
It wasn’t as hot yesterday as it is today.
1 My teacher said I should study Maths at university.
It was my teacher I should study Maths at university.
2 Terry lives in a house that’s joined to one other house.
Terry lives in a house.
3 Bill has a job that doesn’t pay very well.
Bill is badly for his work.
4 Joanna’s hoping she’ll be accepted at university.
Joanna’s hoping she’ll get a at university.
5 We can’t go to the park – it’s raining.
It’s wet to go to the park.
6 I’ve never been to a bigger city than New York.
New York is city I’ve ever been to.

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Ответы на вопрос:

S: open, buy, put, like, sit, play, begin, say -es: fix, kiss, go, catch, wash, teach, pass ies: dry, fly, copy,

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