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My friend Jessica 1. (change) several jobs in the past few years. She 2 (work) as a nurse before she 3.(decide) she wanted to do something different. She trained to be a school teacher last year. Now she 4. (work) in a school near London. 2. No sooner we 5. (write down) our home assignment than the bell 6.(ring) and the lesson 7.(be over). All the schoolchildren 8. (should/have to/might) (leave) the classroom and the pupil on duty 9. (begin) 10.(air) the room.

3. My father was very pleased when he 11. (buy) this house because he always 12. (want) to own a house by the sea. My parents 13. (live)here for 20 years now. I 14. (stay) here at the moment because I need some sea air.

4. Alan 15. (fly) to Barcelona tonight. He 16. (already pack) suit-case but he 17. (not/call) a taxi yet. His plane18.(leave) at 8 p.m.

5. - You see, Kate 19. (be not well) for about a week. As far as I know, you and Paul 20. (be) close friends. She 21. (to be to/can/must) (need)some help. You 22. (may/might/to be able to) (call) her and 23.(give) your hand.

5. Let her 24. (do) it herself. She is considered 25.(be) a careful researcher, and can't stand 26.(help).When I once 27.(tell) her that I

28.(can/could/should) (help) her to do the statistic analysis she

29.(refuse) and 30. (answer) that she usually 31.(do) all her calculations herself.

7. The other day it 32.(snow) heavily .The weather 33.(be) awful. The plane departure 34.(delay). When the passengers finally 35.(board)the aircraft, many 36.(annoy) and irritable because they 37. (to be to/have to/could) (wait) in the airport for three and a half hours. Some of them 38.(must/have to/need) (be late) for their work, the elderly people 39.physically (be exhausted), the small children 40.(be half asleep)

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Пенс: , как сап я вам?   джейн: я хотел бы вступить в члены видео клуба, .пенс: конечно. как вас зовут?   джейн: джейн харрис.  пенс: право, как вы записываете это?   джейн: дж а н э х-дубл r-l-s  пенс: , и каков ваш адрес? джейн: я живу со своей бабушкой.  пенс: это прекрасно. дайте мне ее.  джейн: хорошо. это - 10 пиртри-роуд, лондон.  пенс: и ваш почтовый индекс?   джейн: sw1 4ta пенни: каков ваш номер телефона?   джейн: это 020 7125 9990.  пенс: вот именно пока. вот ваша карта.  джейн: большое .до свидания.оригинал текста: penny: hello, how сап i help you?   jane: i would like to join the video club, please.penny: of course. what's your name?   jane: jane harris.  penny: right, how do you spell that?   jane: j-a-n-e h-a-double r-l-s  penny: thank you, and what's your home address? jane: i live with my grandmother.  penny: that's fine. give me hers.  jane: ok. it's 10 peartree road, london.  penny: and your postcode? jane: sw1 4ta penny: what's your telephone number?   jane: it's 020 7125 9990.  penny: that's it for now. here's your card.  jane: thank you very much. goodbye.

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