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Grammar Part I
Hi, Becky!
Hope you 1. (be) well. At the moment I 2. (drink) very nice coffee in the café. 1 3.
(go) to Oxford a week ago 4. (late) in the evening. As you know, Oxford is famous for
5. (it) university 1 6. (want) to visit a lot of tourist attractions. Tomorrow 17.(to be
going to) attend local museums. 8. (We) holiday will be interesting for 9. (we)My
friend John 10. (want) to visit the Museum of Oxford University, the 11. (big)
museum in Oxford. In Oxford there 12. (be) 13. (some/any) statues of famous people,
but there 14. (be not) 15. (some/any) famous cathedrals. I love being here!
That's all for now!
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Part II
13. (go) to Oxford a week ago​

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The house is a place where those people are located who will understand, help, save from all sorts of calamities and troubles.there you feel safe.when i say the word house i represent warmth, comfort, caring family.but the home is primarily the home place, associated with different memories or sad weslye, the place where i was born where i was raised and grew up, where i was raised.this word means a lot to me! my sweet home!

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