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TEST Choose the correct
1.Matt usually his homework after school.
a)doing b) does c) dо

2.I new to the school.
a)is b) are c) am

3.I am American. I’m from .
a)the USA b) the UK c) Canada

4.Danny lives on the floor.
a)one b) two c) ground

5.Who is Kathy? She is Laura’s .
a)father b) brother c) mother

6.Sue and I are friends. walk to school together.
a)We b) They c) You

7.Rhinos have got horns .
a)on b) up c) out

8.Have you got the time, please? Yes, it’s half six.
a)after b) before c) past

9.We eat breakfast in the .
a)morning b) afternoon c) evening

10. Can you put rice in my bowl, please?
a)any b) a c) some

11.Put your scarf and gloves. It’s cold today!
a)away b) on c) in

12.Do I look all right in this? Yes, fits you perfectly.
a)they b) its c) it

13. “ you help me carry this box?”- “Of course!”
a)Will b) do c) are

14. Mr Williams is a . He always delivers our letters.
a)taxi driver b) postman c) baker

15.There are six on the table.
a)knives b) knife c) box

16.Has Jim got book?
a)those b) these c) this

17.Whose house is that? It is house.
a)Katies’ b) Katie c) Katie and Jack’s

18.Ellen is going on safari. She to see lions.
a)want b) will c) wants

19.You be quiet in the classroom.
a)mustn’t b) must c) always

20.What are you now?
a)does b) do doing

21.We haven’t got milk in the fridge.
a)any b) some c) a

22.Sam wears in the summer because it is hot.
a)trousers b) coats c) shorts

23.How rice can you eat?
a)much b) many c) some

24.Would you like to come fishing with me? – No, thanks. It is .
a)exciting b) boring c) enjoyable

25.Will you come sailing with me? – No, I .
a)will b) don’t c) won’t

26.Have you got a toothache? You must see a .
a)doctor b) dentist c) teacher

27.You go skiing. There isn’t any snow!
a)can’t b) can c) must

28. time does the party start?
a)When b) What c) Where

29.My hobby is walking. I like to go in the mountains.
a)swimming b) sunbathing c) hike

30.Why don’t you come sailing? – I am sorry, but I .
a)can’t b) am not c) don’t

31. This house belongs to John. It is house.
a)Her b) our c) his

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я не зва



my flat i have a good flat in a new block of flats. my flat is on the fifth floor. it has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot running water and a lift. there are three rooms in our flat. besides, we have a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall. the living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. in the middle of the room we have a table with 4 chairs round it. there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves. between the two large windows there is a coffee table. near the tv set there are two cosy armchairs. we like to have a rest here. the bedroom is smaller than the living-room. in this room there are two beds with a bedside-table between them. an alarm-clock and a small lamp are on the table. there is a thick carpet on the floor. the third room is my study. it is not large but very cosy. there isn't much furniture in it. it has a writing-table and a chair before it. in the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines and newspapers. near it there is a sofa with some cushions. in my opinion, the study is the best room in our flat. but the warmest place in our flat is the kitchen, i think - the place where the whole family gathers every evening not only to have supper together, but also to speak and rest. i like the english proverb: "my home is my castle" because my flat is, indeed, my castle!

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