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Ask a particular question referring to the information presented. Use the prompt in brackets. Model: Т.: They have supper very late. (always)
St.: Do they always have supper very late?

1. I have breakfast with my family. (dinner) 2. My sister has strong coff ee in the morning. (in the evening) 3. My friend had his rest in the country. (with his family) 4. Th ey will have their dinner in the cafe. (Why?) 5. We usually have a snack during the break. (Where?) 6. I usually have a smoke for fi ve minutes. (alone or with your friends) 7. Yesterday we had a long break. (Why?). 8. Englishmen have their lunch at about one o’clock. (Where?).

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Ответы на вопрос:

ˈəʊpənd, kraɪd, ˈfɪnɪʃt, smaɪld, skaɪd, kəˈlektɪd,ˈwɒntɪd,  wɒʃt, pʊʃt, wɒtʃt, helpt, ˈstʌdɪd, dʒʌmpt, dɑːnst, ˈɑːskt,  wɜːkt, ˈwɔːtəd, ˈɑːnsəd, ˈlɪsn̩d, ˈlaɪkt, ˈpeɪntɪd, ɪnˈvaɪtɪd

Популярно: Английский язык