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1. Richard __a__ very hard at the moment. a) works b) is working c) has worked
2. We on the beach when it started to rain.
a) played b) are playing c) were playing
3. The River Amazon ___a__ into the Atlantic Ocean.
a) flows b) flowed c) is flowing
4. World War II out in 1939.
a) broke b) has broken c) had broken
5. Dad to work by the time I woke up.
a) is going b) had already gone c) has already gone
6. She was steering the boat while he the guitar.
a) played b) was playing c) has been playing
7. Fay every day for the last six months.
a) exercises b) is exercising c) has been exercising
8. They in that house for five years.
a) live b) are living c) have lived
9. They on the platform for an hour when the train came.
a) stood had b) were standing c) had been standing
10. Lilian seldom late for work.
a) is b) has been c) had been
11. Mr. Johnson a new shop in the village next month.
a) is opening b) opens c) opened
12. She here for six years by the end of this week.
a) will have been working b) will work c) will be working

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  b) is working

2. c) were playing

3. a) flows

4. a) broke

5. b) had already gone

6. b) was playing

7. a) exercises

8. c) have lived

9. b) were standing

10. a) is

11. a) is opening

12. a) will have been working


1)we are playing.   l play

2)last yeah i went

3)where does paul work now?

4)cats like to eat fish?

5)-did you see susan yesterday?

-no,i did't

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