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про Лондон в тетради (предложения пишем полностью!)
1 London is the capital of the ……….
2 The city is situated on the river ………..
3 ……. Is a symbol of London. There are …… towers in the Bridge.
4 The Tower was once a ……., a ………, a………. and a……….. .
5 ……… is the seat of the British Government (правительства).
6 There are two chambers: the House of ……… and the House of…….. .
7 Buckingham Palace is the official royal ……… .
8 There is a great column to Admiral Nelson on ………. Square.
9 ……… has a fine collection of European paintings.
10 St. Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English ……. .
11.………….. is a place where all kings and queens were crowned.
12.London Eye has …… cabins for ….. people each.
13.William Shakespeare is the founder of the ……….. .
14.………… is the most popular wax (воск) museum in the world.
15.Regent’s Park is the home of London ……. .

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Today hundreds of millions of bicycles are in use overall world. Over all пишется в месте


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