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Тест по английскому 4 задания I. Match the synonyms :
1. Top scorer
2. To showcase
3. Benefit
4. Pattern
5. Attire
6. Open-minded
7. to overcome a challenge
8. to get in touch
9. tips
10. challenging

A. interesting
B. to solve a problem
C. leader
D. advice
E. to demonstrate
F. dress
G. forward-looking
H. to connect
I. example
J. advantage

II. Fill in the missing word:
1. At job interview you have to share your strengths and… .
2. How do you …your work-life balance?
3. You can reach … to our manager for support at any time.
4. Sometimes she takes … too much responsibility.
5. Social lunch is a famous … -breaker.

III. Translate:
1. Свяжитесь со мной по этому вопросу на следующей неделе.
2. Это некоммерческое агентство по трудоустройству.
3. Он очень целеустремленный человек.
ли вы работать в быстром темпе?
5. Наша компания предлагает сотрудникам возможности для продвижения по службе и достижения карьерных целей.

IV. Write an essay on importance of English in your career (1500-2000 п.зн.):

V. Read and answer the questions:

Inspirational Success Stories
Most of the iconic personalities have previously faced serious failures in their life’s struggles. Yet, they continued on their ways to success and finally achieved massive success in their fields of expertise. No caste, creed, religion or colors stopped them ever in their ways towards success.
Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs has been known as an iconic figure for the establishment of Apple like the biggest company. However, it is extremely shocking to know that the $2 billion company with over 4000 employees has been started with only two persons in a garage. It is also to be noticed that this great establisher has been dismissed and fired from the company from which he has started his career. Further, realizing his potential and capabilities, Steve Jobs proceeded further towards establishing this biggest company which is famously known as ‘Apple’.
Bill Gates: It was very much important for Bill Gates to heed the lessons of failure in comparison to celebrating the joy of success. This great entrepreneur who has established Microsoft like the biggest software company is a dropout student from Harvard. Furthermore, he has also been known for his self-owned business figure known as Traf-O-Data which was one of the biggest failures in history. The entire investment of Bill Gates got vanished and unfortunately, even the education could also not get completed. But, the keen desire and the passion for the computer programming based stuff led him to establish such biggest software company with the brand name ‘Microsoft’.
J.K.Rowling : J.K.Rowling has been known as the famous author of the most selling book ‘Harry Potter’ who has clearly stated about her failures during a speech ceremony commenced at Harvard. She stated about her unsuccessful marriage life with an entire life in front of live lonely with a jobless situation. Such a difficult situation without a life partner and a job to survive forced her to start a new life as a dynamic author. Her creativity finally led her to the zenith of success.
Read more at: https://yourstory.com/mystory/top-10-inspirational-success-stories
1. How did the Apple company start?
2. What is known of Bill Gates’ education?
3. What was Bill Gates’ biggest failure?
4. What made Bill Gates establish the Microsoft company?
5. What forced J.K. Rowling to create one of the most selling book ‘Harry Potter’?

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