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Writing 8 Read the article and match each part of the article with a statement.
1 This describes what media are like in the present.
2 This summarises the article and concludes
3 This is the title of the article.
4 This describes what media were like in the past.
5 This asks questions and introduces the topic.
A Unfashionable Newspapers
B We all know that times have changed, don't we? But have you ever noticed that the
media have changed too? When my parents were my age, the media were different.
C When Mum and Dad were younger they read newspapers that they bought at the
shop every day. These newspapers were made from paper and you didn't have to have
a computer or some other electronic gadget so you could read them!
D Today, a lot of people get their information about the world from newspapers that they
read on line. They just turn on their laptop, smartphone or computer and they have a
great choice of papers to choose from.
E The media we have today are different from the media my parents had. Some people
say now the media are better and some say they are worse. The main thing is that it
doesn't matter what you believe, but that you take the time to find out what is happening
in the world we live in.​

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