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Task1.Read the text below and mark the sentences True or False. Прочитайте текст ниже и отметьте предложения, Правда или Ложь

Travelling: means of transport

I always travel in summer. Do you? I like to travel and forget about school. As I know, people started traveling many years ago. The first travelers were explorers. They traveled because they wanted to find adventures and to become wealthy and famous. Their trips were dangerous, but they wanted to discover the new lands. Today traveling isn`t so dangerous and it is more convenient. The tourist companies take care of tickets and make all the necessary reservations. While traveling around the world you can choose different means of transport: trains, ships, planes or bicycles. I think that the fastest and the most convenient way of traveling is by air. However, it is the most expensive. Trains are slower than planes, but this way of traveling has its advantages. Modern trains are very comfortable besides, you can see the interesting places of the country you are traveling through. The main advantages of planes and trains are safety, comfort and speed. That is the reason why most people prefer them to other means of transport. Nowadays traveling by sea has become very popular. You can visit other countries or various places of interest within the country when you travel by ship or boat.

My favorite way of travelling is travelling by car. I believe it is very convenient. I don’t need to make any reservations or carry heavy suitcases. I can stop whenever I wish and spend as much time as I wish at any place.

Tom, 13 Britain

0. Tom prefers not to remember about school when he travels. True

1. Today travelling is more convenient than it was many years ago.

2. While travelling around the world people can choose only trains.

3. Travelling by planes people can see many wonderful sights.

4. Most people prefer travelling by cars because of their speed and comfort.

5. Tom has a relaxing time when he travels by car.

Task 2. Answer the questions. ответить на вопросы.

6. Why did the first travelers want to travel?

7. What means of transport can people choose to travel around the world?

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There are a lot of domestic and wild animals in the world. wild live in their zone, in the forest, in the mountains, in deserts and many other places. households live in our homes in yards, in barns, etc., etc.  animal living in our houses, for example a cat or a dog give us joy. by giving them care, naschi hearts filled with warmth. you can play with animals, have fun. you can even play a little trick on them, but they are all exactly they are loyal to us.  but they are often naughty, bringing us dissatisfaction, and of course at the same time we forgive them that. we need to clean up, feed and bear a huge responsibility for our pets. looking at these positive and negative aspects of the fact that the animal lives with you, the question arises: what is better, to make a friend or not?   i believe that despite the responsibility, i want to accept it. thanks to these small creatures, life gets better, realizing that someone needs your help.на свете великое множество и диких животных. дикие живут в своей зоне, в лесу, в горах, в пустынях и многих других местах. же проживают в наших домах во дворах, в сараях ну и т.д.  животное проживающие в наших домах, к примеру кот или же собака дарят нам радость. даря им заботу, нащи сердца наполняются теплом. с животными можно поиграть, повеселиться. можно даже немного подшутить над ними, но они всё ровно они верны нам.  но они же часто проказничают, принося нам недовольство, и конечно в то же время мы прощаем им это. за нашими любимцами нужно убирать, кормить и нести огромную ответственность.   глядя, на эти положительные и отрицательные стороны того, что животное проживает у вас, возникает вопрос: что же лучше, завести друга или нет? я считаю, что несмотря на возложенную ответственность, хочу принять ее. этим малым существам жизнь становится лучше, понимая что кому-то нужна твоя . сочинение на скорую руку, извиняюсь за ошибки, но попробуйте если хотите доработать его.

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