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плс : Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
1. It's a great idea to (make/do) dinner for our parents. 2. Who is
the oldest/eldest) member of your family? 3. The Borisovs have a won-
derful home library and allow me to borrow (eitherfany) of their books.
4. John's (home/house) was the smallest in this street. 5. - What's
the matter? Oh, I can't walk:- I've hurt my (finger/toe) on a big
stone at the side of the road. 6. Listen to me, Peter! You won't go for
a walk (unless/if) you do your homework properly. 7. This seaside place
is famous for its (gold/golden) sand beaches. 8. Al is a handy man, he
can even (mend/repair) a TV set. 9. Hello! What's the (last/latest)
news? 10. How large is the (dictionary/vocabulary), of our seventh for-
mers? 11. I'll have to say goodbye, I'm getting off at the (nearest/next)

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Возьми стандартные и устоявшиеся выражения и напиши, что это ответственный день и кто за что ответственный

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