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Task 1. Read the interviews. Answer the questions below to tick the right answer. Прочитайте интервью. ответьте на вопросы ниже, отметив правильный вариант. Ruth, England
Good transportation? Not really because I'm from a small village but then if you actually go into the town itself, then things aren't too bad. There's quite a good bus system and you can get there easily on the train. We don't have a tram or anything like that but we don't need one. It's not very big anyways so we have enough transportation for all of our needs.
Akane, Canada
Does your hometown have a good transportation? Well, my hometown is Toronto and I would say that it does have a good transportation system. The highway system is quite extensive and there are buses and subway systems and long distance trains throughout. It may not be as convenient as some other countries like England or Japan, but I do think Toronto has the best transportation system in Canada.
Jeyong, South Korea
I'm from Seoul, Korea and "Yes" we have a good transportation because we have a lot of buses and we have a very convenient subway which almost goes around places around Seoul area, and outside of Seoul, so basically you can reach any place by riding the subway, and buses, even though there's a big traffic, still I think it's very comfortable.
Naomi, Australia
There's actually not very good transportation in my hometown because it's very quite rural. You definitely need your own car to get around. I have a car in my hometown to get me around because actually it's on top of a mountain so there's no trains and there's only an occasional bus which is very expensive to use.
Silva, Ireland
The transport in my hometown isn't too bad. I live quite near to the capital so there is a train that runs in and out from there. There are buses as well that run into Dublin city but sometimes they can be late or delayed.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1. What's an easy way to get to Ruth's town?
a) By tram
b) By train
2. When would Akane travel by train?
a) If she is not going far
b) If she's going a long distance
3. Where can Jeyong go in the subway?
a) Only outside the city
b) Almost anywhere
4. Naomi lives in .
a) The city
b) The country
5. What problems does Silva have with buses?
a) They aren't always on time
b) They are too expensive

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Ответы на вопрос:

The tower of london is nine hundred years old.it is in the east london,near river thames.first it was a fortress,then a prison and now it is a museum.the crown jewels are there and lots of tourists come to see them.they also take photos of the quards called the ''beefeaters"

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