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Choose the correct verb

Polly and ken was/were at the cinema last night.

Nicky was/were at the zoo yesterday.

Jason aand I was/were at the park last Sunday.

John and Mike was/were at the florist`s last Friday.

The clown was/were at the shoe shop.

I was/were at the bakery yesterday morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Were you at the cinema last night? — Вы были в кино вечером?

A) Was

В) Were

С) Are

I heard a noise, so I went to see what it was. — Я слышал шум, так что я пошел посмотреть, что это было

A) hear

В) hearing

С) heard

Terry went to Spain yesterday. — Терри ездил в Испанию вчера.

A) go

В) goes

С) went

Did you go out yesterday? — Вы выходили вчера из дома?

A) Did

В) Was

С) Were

They enjoyed the performance last night. — Они наслаждались представлением вечером.

A) enjoyed

В) enjoys

С) enjoy

We must wear uniforms at school. — Мы должны носить униформу в школе.

A) can

В) need

С) must

Steve is a pilot. He can fly a plane. — Стив пилот. Он может водить самолет.

A) couldn’t

В) can

С) may

You mustn’t lie to your parents. — Вы не должны лгать вашим родителям.

A) must

В) mustn’t

С) need

Helen came home late last night. — Елена пришла домой поздно вечером.

A) come

В) coming

С) came

They had a meeting yesterday. — Они встречались вчера.

A) are having

В) had

С) have

Tom enjoyed the party last night. — Том развлекался на вечеринке вечером.

A) enjoyed

В) enjoys

С) enjoy

Do you like football? — Тебе нравится футбол?

A) Does

В) Doing

С) Do

We went on holiday last year. — Мы ездили на каникулы в год.

A) go

В) went

С) goes

How often does it snow in your country? — Как часто бывает снег в вашей стране?

A) do

В) does

С) doing

Julie had a party last week. — Джули устраивала вечеринку на неделе.

A) having

В) have

С) had

You can’t make any noise after 10pm. — Вы не можете шуметь после 22.00

A) can’t

В) can

С) must

We have to be home by 6 o’clock. — Нам нужно быть дома к 6 часам.

A) have

В) can

С) must

You don’t have to feed the dog. Mary did it an hour ago. — Вам не нужно кормить собаку. Мария сделала это час назад.

A) can’t

В) mustn’t

С) don’t

Were you happy when John came to visit? — Вы были счастливы, когда пришел Джон?

A) Were

В) Was

С) Aren’t

Her aunt lives in California. — Её тетя живет в Калифорнии.

A) in

В) on

С) at

1) my dad always answered all my questions

2) pam usually agreed with her brother whatever he said

3) ben began to do his morning exercises at 7 o clock

4) he became stronger and stronger

5) fred usually bought bread and milk and his sister bought vegetables and fruit

6) little ann asked her parents a lot of questions

7)mr smith usually came home from his office at 7 o clock

8)she acted like a child!

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