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-- 4. Match the sentences.
1 My big news is that I'm going to spend the
summer working at a restaurant
2 My news is that my parents are sending me
to Ireland for two weeks.
3 The fact is that I'm terrified of the dark.
4 My news is that I'm going to do a course
about Geography
5 The big news is that my family and I are going
to live in Canada,
a The truth is I haven't even got a map!
b The problem is that I don't know how to cook!
c And the truth is that I'm embarrassed about it.
d The problem is that I hate the winter and the snow!
e The idea is that I'll live with a family and practise
my English​

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Ответы на вопрос:

'm (am), 'm (am), have, 're (are), 's (is), has, 's (is), 's (is), has, has;   presnet simple: don't like, gets up, do want, costs, do speaks, don't buy, listens, do play, goes, watches;

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