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ГОСПОДИ I. Open the brackets in the Present or Past Passive:
1) Jack and Susan(ask) by the police about the bank robbery yesterday.
2) Portuguese (speak) in some countries of Latin America.
3) the driver (arrest) by the police after the accident?
4) Where these tasty sweets (make)?
II. Read the text and underline the correct alternatives.
Prima Pasta restaurant (1) is located/ located in Little Italy in New York. At first, the restaurant (2) served/was served only four different kinds of pasta but later, in 1995, it (3) changed/was changed by its owners into a very big pasta and pizza place. Now, apart from a variety of pasta it (4) offers/is offered twelve kinds of pizza and many other Italian dishes. The food (5) always serves/is always served hot and tasty and customers (6) never wait/are never waited longer than fifteen minutes for their dishes. But when I was at Prima Pasta for the second time, our meal (7) brought/was brought after twenty minutes. The waitress was very sorry for the delay and we (8) gave/were given our pizzas completely free of charge.
III. Change Active into Passive. Begin with the underlined words.
1) The English scientist James Gregory invented a reflecting telescope in 1663.
2) William Lear equipped cars with the first practical automobile radio.
3) The Irish immigrant Henry Ford founded the giant Ford Motor Company in 1903 in the USA.
4) Leonardo da Vinci designed a prototype of modern-day helicopter in Italy long time ago.

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Коренные американцы -  общее название  коренного населения америки   .от них ( точнее от леви штраусса)    к нам пришли джинсы, которые в те времена носили ковбои, а сейчас люди во всём мире.

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