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Final Test Language and Grammar
Choose the correct answer:
1. I like documentaries because they are… .
a) predictable c) silly
b) funny d) educational
2. Tom’s making a slow … from his accident.
a) relief c) rescue
b) struggle d) recovery
3. The doctor … first aid to the accident victim.
a) dedicated c) administered
b) admitted d) mended
4. Firefighters … the floodwater out of the building.
a) hurled c) slid
b) swept d) pumped
5. People should … their rooftops into gardens.
a) develop c) generate
b) consume d) convert
6. Can I interest you in the shop’s … card?
a) saving c) deal
b) loyalty d) bargain
7. Those jeans … you really well. They are the right size.
a) fit c) match
b) suit d) grab
8. Ann’s first English class was a … experience.
a) puffy-eyed c) hard-working
b) sharp-toothed d) nerve-wrecking
9. The mayor wants to … public awareness about the town’s rubbish problem.
a) gather c) reach
b) organize d) raise
10. The hunter … into the dark cave.
a) peered c) stared
b) glanced d) glimpsed
11. Scientists continue to … experiments on dinosaur DNA.
a) gather b) conduct
c) run d) preserve
12. Tom is taking a … course in web design that is only 3 weeks long.
a) fast c) heavy
b) smash d) crash
13. Jan is … out from studying and wants to take a gap year.
a) burnt c) gone
b) drained d) dropped

14. The School on Wheels … education to disadvantaged children.
a) provides c) produces
b) supplies d) creates
15. Jack shouts at people to … them.
a) dominate c) intimidate
b) interrupt d) dismiss
16. The oil spill had a huge … on all marine life.
a) impression c) instinct
b) implant d) impact
17. Don’t try to … the wool over my eyes.
a) rub c) pull
b) pass d) spin
18. You don’t annoy me; I’m just pulling your… .
a) feet c) leg
b) hand d) nose
19. No one knows how Sue feels because she’s…
a) ill-tempered c) intimidated
b) impolite d) introverted
20. Those twins look so alike, it’s hard to … between them.
a) detect c) direct
b) depict d) distinguish
21. The concert was called … due to the storm.
a) back b) off c) out d) up
22. Drop … later and see my new clothes.
a) out b) up c) by d) across
23. The protesters succeeded … stopping a plan to build a new factory in town.
a) in b) on c) for d) over
24. Ann picked … a fossil to look at it.
a) on b) out c) up d) off
25. She couldn’t pass … the opportunity to travel to Africa.
a) away b) around c) out d) up
26. The start of the meeting was held … until the boss arrived.
a) on b) up c) off d) out
27. The news crew arrived after they … the trapped miners.
a) rescued c) had rescued
b) has rescued d) were rescuing
28. … homes were damaged in the hurricane
a) A large number of c) Much of
b) Little of d) A great deal of
29. Mike is exhausted; he … well lately.
a) doesn’t sleep c) didn’t sleep
b) hasn’t been sleeping d) hadn’t slept
30. The search helicopter … in an hour.
a) has been leaving c) has left
b) left d) is leaving
31. At the end of the month, she … at the post office for ten years.

a) is going to work c) is working
b) will work d) will have been working
32. I promise I … the shopping at the supermarket.
a) will do c) am doing
b) am going to do d) will be doing
33. Did you remember … the credit card bill?
a) paying c) pays
b) pay d) to pay
34. Sue is too tired … on clothes right now.
a) trying c) to try
b) try d) tries
35. If we hadn’t raised the money, the shelter… now.
a) would be closed c) had been closed
b) will close d) was closed
36. By this time next month, we … enough food to send to the orphanage.
a) will collect c) will have collected
b) have collected d) are collecting
37. Mike wishes he … clean up the beach but he was sick.
a) helped c) would help
b) had helped d) was helping
38. You … bring lunch to the charity; they will have food stands there.
a) mustn’t c) can’t
b) don’t have to d) shouldn’t
39. The conservation group, … works to protect the rainforest, needs volunteers.
a) which c) whose
b) where d) who
40. You believe in ghosts, … you?
a) aren’t b) do c) don’t d) can’t
41. Sightings of the Loch Ness Monster date back to … 6th century.
a) a b) the c) - d) an
42. Joe made the discovery … .
a) itself c) themselves
b) himself d) ourselves
43. If Tim wasn’t so scared, he … a video of the ghost.
a) will take c) took
b) had taken d) would have taken
44. Strange lights … in the sky last night.
a) were spotted c) have been spotted
b) are being spotted d) had been spotted
45. The Bigfoot pictures … at tomorrow’s press conference.
a) are showing c) have been shown
b) were shown d) will be shown
46. I had been waiting an hour … the bus arrived.
a) after b) before c) until d) since
47. He … me that the essay was due on Monday.
a) reminded c) explained
b) remembered d) ordered

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Деньги: в одном фунте сто пенсов. вы можете сказать "p", когда имеете в виду "пенсы", к примеру "восемьдесят р." где остановиться: отели в британии дорогие, "кровать и завтрак" в чьем-то доме гораздо дешевле. вы так же можете остановиться в молодежных общежитиях. передвижение: есть, конечно, двухэтажные автобусы, откуда вы можете увидеть хороший вид с высоты. есть так же автобусы  между . они дешевле, чем поезда. существует так же метро, в котором более 500 станций. его не так легко использовать, вы должны сначала научиться, прежде чем пользоваться им. питание: рестораны дорогие и вы не можете быть уверены, что еда вкусная. в пабах есть хорошая недорогая еда. магазины быстрого питания и магазины гамбургеров дешевые.

Популярно: Английский язык