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5 1 have a pain in my I can't sweep the yard.
6 I have a pain in my
I can't see well.
1a Answer the questions. Savollarga javob bering.
What is the most important part of the body? Why?
1b Read and check. Do you agree? Matnni o'qib, javobingizni
tekshiring. Siz bunga go'shilasizmi?
When I was a little child, my mother asked me: What's then
important (muhim) part of the body?"
I thought and said: "My ears, Mum, because to hear people
music is very important."
She said: "No. Many people cannot hear."
The next year she asked me again.
This time I told her: "Mum, it must be our eyes because to s
very important to everybody (hamma)."
She looked at me and told me: "You're learning fast, but
answer is not correct because there are many people who ca
Some years later (bir necha yildan so'ng), my grandad
to hospital and did not come back. Everybody was sorry.
lind me "Do you know the most important pa​

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Listen to the conversation and choose the right answer. The audio:Where are they're planning to go? 

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