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Блок 1 Reading Read the text and mark if the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated)
Christmas in Britain
One of the greatest holidays in Britain is Christmas. People pay great attention to its
symbols. Starting from the front door till the food on the table you can find a lot of evidence of
their love.
Who has not heard about Christmas stockings? It is said that one night Santa flew over
the chimney and dropped some gold coins into the socks hung to get dry. So now every year
people put stockings above the fireplace and wait for surprises.
The Christmas tree is also a part of this holiday. We can see a star on the top of it
symbolizing Bethlehem star which revealed the birth of Jesus.
Today almost everyone knows «Jingle Bells»> or «Merry Christmas songs. The word
«carol» means «songs of joy». So, singing some joyful carols at Christmas night can bring you a
lot of happiness.
One of the sweet symbols is a candy cane. It is a caramel cane-shaped stick, white and
red. It reminds the letter «J» according to the name of Jesus Christ.
1. One of the greatest holidays in Britain is Christmas..
a) true b) false
c) not stated
2. Sledges are one of the most famous symbols of Christmas in Britain.
a) true b) false c) not stated Answer:
3. .Every year people hang stocking only to make them dry at Christmas.
b) false c) not stated Answer:
4. Singing Christmas songs brings people a lot of fun.
a) true b) false c)
not state
5. The shape of candy cane symbolizes joy.
a) true b) false
c) not stated
a) China
6.100 2. Vocabulary
Circle the odd ones out in each line.
b) Polish
2 a) wife
b) stepdad
3 a) play
b) watch
5 a) king
b) queen
6 a) monument b) gallery
7 a) judo
b) sport
a) made
b) came
a) well
c) Gaelic
c) son
c) listen
c) quickly
c) director
c) cathedral
c) archery
c) take
d) Walsh
d) nephew
d) board
d) loudly
d) architecture
d) river
d) baseball
d) went

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Ответы на вопрос:

I'd like to tell you about sports. i like football. i play football with my brothers. it is my favorite sport. but i like play basketball too. i don't play basketball very well, but my cousen(это кузен если что, не помню точно как будет) can play basketball very very well. he teach me play basketball. and i already(это вроде бы (уже)) play well. that's all what i wanted to tell you about sports.

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