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Make up 5 questions to the text Hello, my name is Vlad. I work as a manager and my working day begins early in the morning. On week days the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6 a.m. I get up and do things that everybody does at this time: doing morning exercises, having a shower and cooking breakfast. I live alone and cook breakfast myself. I usually eat scrambled egg or pancakes in the mornings.
After breakfast, I brush my teeth, shave and get dressed. I get also my things, like a smartphone, keys and case for documents. So, I leave my home at about 8. I don’t have a car that’s why I go to the bus stop and wait for the bus. It takes 30 minutes to get to my office by it. I usually arrive at work at fifteen minutes to nine and my working day begins.
My day at work is typical: phone calls, talking to people, answering emails, writing reports and discussing some important issues with my boss. At 12 o’clock I go to the small cafe just round the corner and have a lunch there. At 1 o’clock I come back to my office and work hard till 6 o’clock. During the working day I also have several short breaks. But sometimes I have no time for them.
At about 7 o’clock in the evening, I return home. At first I get some rest and then I have supper. After that, I do my housework or watch TV series. I also like to play computer games. At 23 o’clock I take a shower and go to bed. So now you know how I spend my working day.

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братан попрубой подумать сам вдруг всё получится


не бойся

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