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1. The best pupil was chosen a) active
b) passive
2. Magellan was the first person to sail around the world
a) Active
b) passive
3. We always invite friends
a) Active
b) passive
4. The first rocket was sent to the Moon in 1969
a) Active
b) pasive
5. Fish are caught by fishmen
a) Active
b) passive
6. The explorer travelled for years in Africa
a) Active
b) passive
7. People grow coffee in Brazil
a) Coffee is grown in Brazil
b) Coffee grows in Brazil
8. You see adverts on TV

a) Adverts are seen on TV
b) Adverts is seen on TV
9. People send messages every day
a) Messages send every day
b) Messages are sent every day
10. James Cook drew the first map of Australia
a) The first map of Australia is drawn by James Cook
b) The first map of Australia was drawn by James Cook
11. People invented the wheel 6000 years ago
a) People were invented the wheel 6000 years ago
b) The wheel was invented 6000 years ago
12. Mum asked the kids to help her
a) The kids were asked to help the Mum
b) Mum was asked to help the kids
13. The Olympic Games were invented by ancient Greeks
a) Олимпийские игры были изобретены древними греками
b) Древние греки изобрели Олимпийские игры
c) Древние спартанцы изобрели Олимпийские игры
14. Lot`s of trees are planted by the children
a) Дети высаживают много деревьев
b) Много деревьев высаживается детьми
c) Много деревьев высадили дети

15. Bill was not taught English at school last year
a) Била не учили английскому в школе в году
b) Била не учат английскому в школе
c) Бил не учил английский в школе в году
16. She was asked to act in the play
a) Её просят с играть в пьесе
b) Она просит с играть в пьесе
c) Её попросили с играть в пьесе
17. Лекции, как правило, посещает много студентов
a) Lectures are usually attended by not many students
b) Lectures are usually attended by lot`s of students
c) Lectures are as a rule attended by lot`s students
18. Мне сказали, что он уже приехал
a) I said he had already come
b) I am told he had already come
c) I was told he had already come
19. Всех детей принимают в среднюю школу?
a) Are all children took to secondary school?
b) Are all children admitted to high school?
c) Are all children admitted to secondary school?
20. Эту работу может выполнить любой
a) This work can be done by anyone
b) This work is done by anyone

c) This work can do by anyone

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