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7 Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

Match the correct translation:

Ощущать головную боль                                                             a. Ambulance

Вывихнуть лодыжку                                                                     b. To have a sore throat

Скорая                                                                               c. To break one’s wrist

Ощущать боль в горле                                                                   d. To twist one’s ankle

Капли                                                                                               e. Drops

Сломать запястье                                                                           f. To have a headache

2. Make up the 2nd and the 3rd degrees of comparison for the following adjectives:










3.  Complete the sentences with the following words: some, any, a/an, much, many, a lot of, a few, a little 

1) I don’t have fruits. We need to buy .

2) How children have you got?

3) James has got a apples, so he can cook the granny’s strudel.

4) There are of shops near the university.

5) How sugar do you need?

6) I have got a olive oil. So I’m going to buy more.

7) There’s apple pie on the table.

4. Complete the following disjunctive questions:

1. James can help me with my project, ?

2. Alice hasn’t been to Germany, ?

3. You are glad to see me, ?

4. Your father has broken his leg, ?

5. Kai and his sister were not at school yesterday, ?

5. Open the brackets into the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous:

1. I (lose) my keys.

2. His mother (not/live) there since 1985.

3. (you/go) to the cinema with your parents?

4. How long (she/work) at the factory?

5. Patrick (brake) his arm.

6. I’m so sorry, mom! I(forget) to ring you up.​

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Ямогу сделать о видах разных банков, но о функциях только двух

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