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Нужно использовать present или past simple в active или в passive forms

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ответ: Choosing a profession is the most important step in every person's life, because their future fate depends on their choice, and a mistake can be very expensive. Many people have difficulties choosing a profession, and I have had them too. But then I became interested in the profession of programmer.

First, I decided to become a programmer, because this is a very popular profession, since in our modern world various technologies are widely used, which would simply not work without programs, and computers and the Internet have become widely used in all spheres of modern human life.

Secondly, if this profession is in demand, then it is also highly paid, and even more so with career growth, the salary and fees will increase many times. And in addition, the creation of computer programs brings the developer a stable income.

Third, it is a good working environment: a quiet and cozy office, where no extraneous noise will not prevent you from gathering your thoughts and doing your job.

Fourth, you can work remotely: the results of the work can be sent over the Internet, even if you are on the other side of the planet, you only need the condition of having the Internet.

Fifth, working as a programmer is interesting in itself: to solve unusual problems, to think creatively, because programs are "born" in the minds of their creators.

But, like everything else, the programmer profession has its drawbacks.

First, you will need to sit at the computer a lot, and this is harmful to health, and not every person has developed perseverance.

Secondly, the programmer profession requires hard work, because sometimes you have to solve boring and long tasks.

Third, you must be organized and collected.

In order for my dream to come true, I need to finish school with high scores and pass the exams successfully. And I will achieve my goal!

And if someone seriously thinks about what he should become, then I will answer him: "Become a programmer! You won't lose anything!"

Объяснение: Ну вроде правильно

Популярно: Английский язык