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3.Use of English. Lexical- grammar test.(0,5 scores each answer.) 1.Complete the definitions with profession.
1. A is a man. He rules a country.
   A) actor                                B)king                                C)queen
   2.An discover new places and study  their nature and wild life
      A)  explorer                    B) teacher                                         C)mechanic
  3.  Complete the sentences. Use the past simple affirmative form of one of the verbs 
      He (invade / invent) the radio.
A )invent                                  B)invented                                          C)invaded
   4. I  didn`t (travel / invade) to Canada.
      A) invade                            B)travelled                                        C)travel
   5.   Mathi (change / discover) the colour of his hair.
  A)changed                               B)change                                      C)discover
    6. Write sentences or questions and short answers using the correct form of was or were.   Shakespeare and the Beatles / from the UK (ü)                                                                                                                
       A) Shakespeare and the Beatles  were from the UK
      B) Shakespeare and the Beatles  weren`t  from the UK
       C) Shakespeare and the Beatles  was  from the UK
7.      France and England / part of Rome (?)
A) Were France and England part of Rome ? Yes , they were
 B) Were France and England part of Rome ? No , they were 
 C) Was France and England part of Rome ? Yes , they was
8. Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the verbs.
    We the horror film. (prefer)
A)  prefered                               B) preferred                                              C)preferring
9 They in the city. (not live)
     A) didn`t lived                           B)doesn`t live                                      C) didn`t live
    10 .The Romans Britain about   2,000 years  ago (invade ) ?
A)Do Romans invade Britain about 2,000 years ago?
B) Did Romans invaded  Britain about 2,000 years ago?
     C)Did Romans invade Britain about 2,000 years ago?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 b

2 a

3 b

4 c

5 a

6 a

7 a

8 b

9 c

10 c


1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) c,  5)a, 6) a, 7) a, 8) b, 9) c, 10) c


Однажды я ехала на поезде в другой город, чтобы посмотреть, что в других городах. вокруг города, проезжая я видела много станций.когда я наконец приехала - я начала осматривать город.once i went by train to another city to see what was in other cities. around the city, driving i saw a lot of stations. when i finally arrived - i began to explore the city

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