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Task 2. Write Indirect questions for these situations. 1. You ask a stranger in the street the way to the library.

2. You ask your director whether you can have a day off work.

3. You ask a colleague the reason you are having another meeting so


4. You ask your boss if he approves of the plans you have made.

5. You ask teacher about your mistake.

Task 3. Translate Conditional sentences (Zero,First,Second )

1.Я буду очень счастлив, если мои друзья придут на мою вечеринку.

2.Если бы она была премьер-министр ом,она инвестировала бы больше

денег в школу.

3.Я уйду как только придет няня.

4.Если бы у нас был сад, у нас могла бы быть кошка.

5.Если я пью слишком много кофе, я не могу спать ночью.

6.Я был бы счастлив, если бы мои друзья помнили о моем дне

рождении.Task 4. Change direct question into Reported questions.

1. “Does a woman named Erin live here?" Andrew asked her.

2. Ann: “What have you done,Kate?”.

3. He asked “How far will she go?”

4. Robert: “Where didn’t they go?”

5. Molly asked : “Who is he talking to?”.

6. “Do you like ice-cream?” asked Betty.

Tаsk5. Answer the questions about yourself. Give reasons for your opinions.

3-4 sentence for each question.

1. Have you decided yet what job you’d like to do when you’re older?

2. Would you like to go to university? If so, what do you think you would study?

3. Would you like to do the same job that someone in your family does now?

4. Can you imagine yourself running your own business one day?

5. Do you think you’ll ever go abroad to work?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

- good afternoon! what flights to london do you have?

- there next flight is tomorrow. and there is one on sunday.

- what time are the flights? -

- at 10.15 a.m. tomorrow and at 07.00 p.m. on sunday.

- how much is the business class

-67 euro


-have a good day!

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