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8. Вставьте артикли a/an-the, где необходимо. c) She has … ball. …ball is …big.
d) I got ….letter from my …friend yesterday. … letter was interesting.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

c) She has the ball. an ball is a big.

d) I got the letter from my an friend yesterday. a letter was interesting.


100процент правильно

She has a ball. The ball is big.

I got a letter from my friend yesterday. The letter was interesting.


Пишем a/an , когда встречаемся с предметом первый раз, а потом уже the.

A пишется, если следующее слово начинается на согласную, а an - если на гласную.

This radiogramm will be snt tomorrow. the cargo was loaded in the time. modern ships ate built by them.

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