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Прмогит Writing (Summary 2)

Task 2

Read the text and write a summary between 65-75 words long. You have 25 minutes to complete your work.

Success and children

Most parents want three things for their children: health, happiness, and success. Research shows that these seemingly different things are in fact linked. To be successful, a child must be healthy. It is much harder for a child to perform well at school if they are tired due to lack of sleep, hungry as a result of not eating a healthy breakfast, or overweight because of a poor diet and lack of exercise. So parents should be sure that children have a regular bedtime, a healthy diet, and plenty of exercise.

A child also needs to feel happy if they are to achieve real success and enjoy it. A lot of that happiness comes from their relationship with their parents. It is vital that parents spend quality time with their children. In this way, they can find out how their children are feeling, and they can model good habits and behavior. Spending time together results in a happy child and a greater chance of success.

A huge factor in success is reading. It is said that you spend the first part of your life learning to read, then the rest of it reading to learn. Children copy their parents, so if a child sees his or her parents reading, this will encourage them to become readers themselves. There is a saying that children “catch” reading in the same way that they catch a cold or the flu. Once they have caught it, they are half way to success, because the world’s knowledge is contained in the written word. And reading will give them great pleasure, opening a world of imagination outside their own world. So reading results in both success and happiness.

Finally, a child needs to feel that success is expected. Children from homes where the parents expect their child to do the best they can are much more likely to succeed than those who make it clear that they don’t think their child is capable of success. High expectations result in high achievement, low expectations lead to the opposite. A child who feels that they are reaching their goals will naturally feel much happier than one who feels like a failure.

So we can see that parents who focus on keeping their children healthy, help them to learn to read, listen to them, and spend time with them, and show that they expect the very best from them, are likely to end up with healthy, happy, and successful children.​

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•i visited germany with my parents the day before in 2015

•two hours ago my friends gave me a huge cake and a lot of horseradish

•last night i had a terrible dream

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