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6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. elephants snakes eagles sharks mosquitoes
1 sometimes attack people when they are swimming.
2 can give people malaria.
3 have very big ears.
4 can see small animals from high in the sky.
5 Some are dangerous but some aren’t.
7 Read the text.
Home school: a good thing or a bad thing?
Some children don’t go to school. Well, they don’t learn in a classroom with a lot of other children; they stay at home and study with their mum or dad. They don’t learn at home because they have to, but because some parents think their children don’t learn enough at normal schools.
‘School isn’t good for my son,’ says Miranda Peeler, who teaches her son, Ben, at home. ‘Ben doesn’t work in class. He plays with his friends all the time and he doesn’t listen to the teacher. There are 30 children in his class, and it’s difficult for the teacher to teach ALL of them. Now I teach him at home. He learns all the important subjects and he does a lot of work. He has to; he’s the only one in the class! We study on the computer too. At school there is only one computer for all the children in the class. Ben likes home school. He’s a clever boy and he wants to learn. Here he can do that.’
Brenda Masters is a teacher. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea. ‘Yes, children learn a lot at home school. But they don’t play with their friends. They don’t learn how to work in a group. Work is important but play is important too. Friends are important. Sport is important. School is important!’
8 Choose the best answers.
1 A lot of children study at home because
A their parents want to teach them at home.
B the teachers don’t want the children at school.
2 Ben’s mother thinks
A Ben doesn’t study important subjects at school.
B the classes are very big.
3 At Ben’s school
A there are some computers.
B the children don’t use computers.
4 Brenda thinks
A parents aren’t good teachers.
B children have to work and play.
5 Brenda thinks that home school is
A a good thing.
B a bad thing.
Mark: __ /10
9 Imagine you are a student at your dream school. Write a description of the school for a new student. Include three of these points:
· lessons and lesson times
· breaks
· canteen and other facilities
· after-school activitiesMark: __ /10 Total: __ /60
1 Write questions for these answers using the words in brackets.
1 I’m reading a fashion magazine. (what)

2 He’s going to school. (where)

3 She’s wearing my skirt! (what)

4 I’m smiling because I’m happy! (why)

5 He’s sitting at a table with his friends. (where)

6 She’s talking to the new student. (who)

Mark ___ /6
2 Complete the sentences with the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 He’s busy. He (work) on the computer at the moment.
2 He (do) his homework. He’s out with his friends.
3 It (rain) again. I hate this weather.
4 Do you want the dictionary? I (use) it.
5 I (go) to school today. I’m ill.
6 (you wait) for Jackie? She’s in the canteen.
Mark ___ /6

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